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ZMX: Boosting Testosterone the Natural Way!

ZMA is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6, all crucial minerals in daily bodily functions. For athletes, ZMA has been found to help replenish vital nutrients drained from the body by training. Research has found that ZMA supplementation before bed, can help with more restful sleep, aiding in faster recovery. Magnesium and zinc deficiencies have been found to have an adverse effect on muscle growth, and training stress has been found to lead to mineral and vitamin loss. Adding ZMA into your nutrition program can help aid in your sleep recovery and has also been found to have a positive influence on testosterone production in the body. ZMA acts as a natural free testosterone booster in the body, making it a safe supplement for high level, elite athletes. Although, you are better off not drinking alcohol in the first place, if you absolutely must drink, ZMA supplementation is crucial. Alcohol depletes your body’s stores of Vitamin B as well as destroys your liver enzymes. ZMA can help recover some of the nutrients lost to help save your next week of training. While ZMA can’t erase the harmful effects of drinking, it can help your body recover.

Talk to Barry to see if ZMA is right for you!

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