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Off-season Hockey Training

Each year at we turn the Shamrock Curling Club into a 20,000 sq ft plus high performance center for the May to August hockey off-season.  Check out the programs we offer!


Hockey Academies

We work with the best hockey academies in Canada providing strength, conditioning, and mobility work.


Online & Distance Training

Can't make the schedule work for our off-season programming? Live out of town or across the country? Looking for training in-season, or year round in another sport? Check out our online program where we give individualized programming and video coaching through your phone.  Get all the benefits of 1 on 1 coaching on your time table.

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Workshops & Education

Learn how to utilize Velocity Based Training (VBT) in your day-to-day coaching across the classic barbell lifts, jump testing, and more.

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Team Training

Bring in a team, off-season or in-season.

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Boxing Strength Training

Working with some of the best boxers in the province and country at Southside Legion.  Boxers looking for strength, conditioning, and mobility training check out our online and distance training.

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